Sindhi Language
Sindhi is one of the sweet South Asian languages. It is mostly spoken in the plains where the river Indus flows to fall in the sea.
Many writers of the Sindhi language have assimilated a global outlook in it, both in its poetry and prose. Writers of the Sindhi language have refined the language and literature by their literary works. Among the many, Mirza Qaleech Baig contributed a lot by his writings in all genres, poetry, prose, novel, drama, essays and translated books into Sindhi from English. Writers have translated into Sindhi from other languages. Many other writers have followed by translating into Sindhi from English.
Historically, Sindhi language had been a language of knowledge. Many scholars wrote books on various subjects of knowledge in past centuries. In the 21st century, several writers have written on Sciences and Technologies.
By: Ashraf Naushahi
(Educator, Writer, Book-Reviewer, Specialist in English Literature, Translator)
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