Authenticity and Self-Discipline

Authenticity is a word used commonly nowadays with the suggestion "Be yourself". What is authenticity and what is to be authentic? Often it is meant to express oneself without any restrain.

Everyone is free to be authentic but freedom and discretion go together. Freedom without self-discipline is no freedom. Authenticity should be balanced with self-discipline.

Too much of anything is not good. Too much authenticity is not authenticity because it changes into social awkwardness by becoming imbalanced. It is a misunderstanding that authenticity is to express without restrain. Art is presentation of something aesthetically as well as sincerely. If everything can be expressed as it is, then there remains no place for art. It is art that presents something skillfully and effectively. People learn continually. What seems authentic at a level of learning can appear awkward at a higher level. Authenticity has to keep its balance by expressing itself with self-discipline & art of presentation.

By: Ashraf Naushahi

(Educator, Writer, Book-Reviewer, Specialist in English Literature, Translator)


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