Languages and Sciences

Advantages of sciences and technologies are global. Languages & sciences are interrelated because scientific theories and discoveries are expressed in languages. Assimilation of scientific thoughts in languages is needed for the development of languages.

Asia is the largest continent on the planet Earth. Each of its parts has its peculiarities. In the world history several civilizations & cultures starting from parts of Asia contributed to world progress as a whole. Asia can contribute again to bring change for the better.

South Asia is so diverse in languages, cultures and several other aspects that it was known as the Subcontinent in the years elapsed. It is imperative for development and progress of South Asia that its diversity should not be overlooked.

South Asia is a subcontinent of languages, and languages like Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Gujrati, Bengali, etc. have potentials for becoming languages of learning & knowledge. However, each language needs to assimilate global outlooks for it.

Like other several South Asian languages, Punjabi language has all the capacities and potentials to be developed into a language of learning and knowledge. However, it is imperative to assimilate global outlooks into the language for transforming it into a language of sciences and technologies.

Punjabi language is rich in literature and poetry. The epic poem composed by Waris Shah can be placed with the masterpieces of world literature. And it is not the only instance from the centuries old Punjabi language literature.

Diversity in South Asia cannot be appreciated appropriately without promoting values of compassion, equality & fairness. These values were once practiced in these parts of the world. At every level these values are needed to be given preference over differences.

By: Ashraf Naushahi

(Educator, Writer, Book-Reviewer, Specialist in English Literature, Translator)


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