Language, Culture and Civilization

Diversity of languages in any part of the world distinguishes it from the other parts. In each part of the world diverse and different languages have developed during the past centuries.
Speaking & comprehending a language is one thing & adapting its culture is another. A language & culture flourish in an environment of freedom and self-discipline. Freedom & discretion go together. Each human language should be free to attain its linguistic potential in a society. Mostly societies are multilingual in which languages support each other. No language can develop in an environment of favors or impediments. All languages have linguistic potentials to develop in an independent and free social environment. No language should be preferred to other languages or obstructed through artificial impediments.
When it is said that all humans are equal, logically human languages should also be treated equally, without any impediments or favors for any language. A language becomes prominent itself by the knowledge and civility it contains. Comparing languages does no good to languages. When a language becomes a medium of knowledge, it is spoken, written and read more than other languages.
Culture means different things to different people. Sometimes it means styles of dressing, architecture, food, music, entertainment and similar other things. Sometimes it means language, literature, worldview, civility and similar other things. Culture can be described differently by different people, however, differences do not matter till culture remains a part of civilization and civilization contains different cultures within its parameters.
By: Ashraf Naushahi
(Educator, Writer, Book-Reviewer, Specialist in English Literature, Translator)
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